Penobscot Island Air has a lot to be proud of and a lot to be thankful for.
We live and work in a beautiful part of this great country…America.
We work with an awesome crew taking care of our cherished customers, many of whom are family to us.
We have food.
Our children go to good schools.
We have shelter.
We can speak our minds freely.
We can worship in whatever manner we desire.
We can vote.
We are lucky and fortunate.
All of us at Penobscot Island Air are proud, very proud to be American. We are all different, from many backgrounds, but yet, we have one thing in common…We are all Americans!
We are proud to see our flag displayed in our hangar…it might be a little bit crooked, a little bit dusty but its there….and always will be!
None of our freedoms would exist without the dedication and service of the men and women in the Armed Forces who defend our freedom every day…those who are with us today and those who walked at Penobscot Island Air in another time.
On this Veteran’s Day, we all want to recognize and give thanks to Penobscot Island Air’s Veterans who we work with every day….
Chris Carroll, Steve Hurd, Aladar Nesser, Sam Staples